HLC Board Chair receives Civic Honour

Garry Good has served as a teacher, principal, and university advisor for almost 50 years. During this time, he has actively improved the educational environment, and has mentored many others in the delivery of excellence in education.

Garry served as a Councillor for Horowhenua District Council from 2004 to 2016, holding the positon of Deputy Mayor twice. He sat on many external and internal committees, including the Hearings Committee, Grants Committee, Horowhenua Library Trust, Creative NZ and Community Wellbeing Executive. His diplomatic, honest and frank approach won the respect of all who worked with him.

Garry volunteers countless hours serving trusts, charities and organisations that benefit our community, in particular using his expertise from the education sector to improve learner outcomes.

He became a member of the HLC board in 2005, and has served as board chair since 2008. He was instrumental in establishing HLC at its purpose built learning facility in Liverpool Street, where students are thriving.

From 2008 to 2016, Garry served on the board of the Life Education Trust, and from 2010 to 2019 he was a member of Education Horowhenua, a forum established to oversee and coordinate implementation of the Horowhenua Education Strategy. He was a key driver of initiatives such as He Whare Manaaki, the teen parenting unit at Waiopehu College, the establishment of Life to the Max youth coordinator positions, the Pacific Learners initiative and House of Science, to name a few.

Garry’s expertise in the education sector and governance experience was called upon again in 2016, becoming first a board member and then Deputy Chair of the Horowhenua College Board of Trustees, where he has been instrumental in building and facility upgrades at the college.

Garry received a Civic Honour for Community Affairs and Services to Education.

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Graduation 2020 is set to go